The Ultimate Plot

A template for outlining your novel with 8 distinctive beats!

About the Template

Fantasy author C.M. Adler (Christine Nielsen) explains how she writes and outlines her stories for Radish, a mobile app for serialized fiction!

Books published using this template

Meet the Author

Picture of Christine Nielson

Christine Nielson

Really, all you need to know is that CM Adler (Christine Nielson) has fantastic taste in witchy, demonic, and highly entertaining imaginary friends. With a Silver Quill Award for Young Adult Fiction from the League of Utah Writers, and an Editor's Choice Short Story Award from AuthorStand under her belt, CM Adler is now delving into fairy tale retellings with her young adult dark fantasy series Witches of Grimm.

In the more corporeal part of her existence, Christine helps other authors perfect their stories in her role as a professional freelance fiction editor.

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